Guidelines for Groups

Recommended child/adult ratios 

We have recommended ratios depending on the age of the students:

  • Key Stage 1 and 2  1:6
  • Key Stage 3-5  1:10 

It is important that group leaders remain with their groups at all times, as the behaviour and discipline of pupils remain the responsibility of group leaders for the duration of your visit.

Self-guided groups

We recommend that groups visiting on a self-guided basis do so in smaller groups (maximum of 10 pupils) led by an adult. Accompanying adults and staff do not have to pay admission to the museum however the museum reserves the right to charge admission for any adults over our recommended adult to child ratios.

Workshop and session information

All our workshops and tours are led by our expert museum educators. We promote creative thinking, discussion and group work, catering for all types and ages of learners. We enable participants to handle authentic museum objects, dress up and engage with thought-provoking, enjoyable tasks.

Risk assessments

Schools are responsible for their own risk assessments, however we’ve put together this draft risk assessment for you to use.

Draft Risk Assessment


Terms and conditions

Below you can download our terms and conditions, including cancellation policy.

Terms & Conditions


Resources for self-guided study

Full-colour museum trails are available to buy for a small fee. The trails are designed to engage children and provide activities and games to complete when visiting the two permanent museum exhibitions. We offer a special discounted rate for group bookings which can be ordered in advance through our bookings team. A museum guidebook is also available to buy in the museum gift shop.

Visual Guide

We have prepared a Visual Guide which will help students to know exactly what to expect and ease any anxiety which often accompanies a visit to somewhere new and unfamiliar. You can download the Visual Guide below.

Visual Guide

PDF file, 977KB