Example of virtual session

Virtual Sessions

We are still welcoming school groups to us for physical in-museum experiences, as well as physical outreach sessions. In 2020 we also introduced a fantastic online offer called Virtual Sessions.

Virtual Sessions are online, live, face-to-face workshops with a member of our learning team. Delivered using an online platform (e.g. Zoom or Microsoft Teams), during the sessions participants will discover stories, have an in-depth look at objects and costumes and have a chance to ask questions to our history expert.

Our team cater to all ages and abilities.

For more information call 023 8083 2810 or email museums.education@southampton.gov.uk.  

All of our sessions cost £95 per session.

Available Sessions:

Prehistoric axes in a cabinet


Travel back to the dawn of the humans in this fun, dynamic virtual session exploring the tools, artefacts and stories of prehistory, from 2.5 millions years ago through to the Iron Age 2,000 years ago!

Southampton Through Time

Southampton’s rich history goes back more than 2000 years.This session explores the people that have called the town home and charts the history of this amazing town.
KingHenryVIII picture

The Tudors

Travel back to the time of King Henry VIII in this fun, interactive session discovering all-things Tudor! Test your knowledge in our true and false quiz, explore mysterious objects from the sixteenth century and discover what the Tudors did (and didn’t eat). There’ll also be an opportunity to ‘ask the expert’ at the end of the session.
Tyrannosaurus Rex


Who was Mary Anning? Where did dinosaurs live? Why did they die out? Discover the answers to these questions and many more in this fun-filled session that transports you back 65 million years!

Settlers and Invaders

Delve into Saxon Southampton in this fun history workshop! Discover who might have lived in Southampton 1,400 years ago.

The Titanic

Step aboard the most famous ship of all time and dive into the story with an expert facilitator. Discover objects and real-life Titanic tales in this fantastic session!
Old map

Pirates and Buccaneers

Hark back to the Golden Age of Piracy with this fun and interactive session exploring the the rogues who made their lives and sea and the stories they’ve left behind.
Roman ruins

The Romans

Discover how the Romans invaded Britain, explore Southampton from that time and investigate our mystery objects in this session jam-packed with quizzes, stories and activities!

The Georgians

Discover more about the gorgeous and occasionally ghastly world of the Georgians! Find out why Southampton became popular, discover why you wouldn’t want to travel alone in the eighteenth-century and try and decipher the mystery picture!

The Victorians

Welcome to Victorian Southampton, a time when Britain was on the up and the town was full of slums and steamships! This fun, engaging and educational session looks at some of the fascinating stories of Southampton in the nineteenth century using games, quizzes and activities.
Gunner on Southampton walls overlooking Southampton

Southampton at War

Journey back in time 80 years to discover what life was like for people in Southampton during the Second World War by exploring objects, looking at costumes and finding out incredible stories from the Southampton Blitz.

Ancient Egyptians

Travel to the Land of the Pharaohs in this incredible virtual session crammed full of horrifying facts, games and stories to explore one of the most fantastic civilisations the world has ever known!